Goat on a Boat Puppet Truck & Mobile Stage
The Goat on a Boat Puppet Truck & Mobile Stage takes our outreach efforts to the next level by transforming Goat on a Boat into a mobile, outdoor, traveling theater. Inspired by the Bookmobile, the Puppet Truck has the flexibility to visit under-served communities in a wide range of locations to create an uplifting and educational, theatrical experience for children and their families. We are excited about this new direction, as we view it as the beginning of a far greater opportunity to serve and collaborate with a socioeconomically and geographically diverse audience. Please consider making a donation to help us get rolling!!
Read all about it in the East Hampton Star.
If you would like to sponsor a Goat on a Boat Puppet Truck performance, or would like to contact us about the Puppet Truck coming to your location, please email us here.
Hands of the Hamptons: Goat on a Boat
We’ve Been on a Roll!
We launched our Puppet Truck in May of 2022. Since then, we’ve traveled to lots of places in Suffolk County making new friends and partnering with amazing organizations along the way.
To learn more about partnering with Goat on a Boat and having the Puppet Truck visit your community, please email us at info@goatonaboat.org.